Saturday, April 14, 2012


So, this post has been hanging out in my edit folder for a while... I was originally waiting for a picture of our finished chicken tractor, but after a series of unfortunate events (and unfortunate chickens) I guess I was too discouraged to go here. More on that sad story later...

I love the country, nature, working with my hands, the satisfaction and experience of growing (some of) my own food... I've just lacked the setting and motivation for so long.

I had a final surge of motivation when the fatigue and nausea of this pregnancy was replaced by nesting energy. Recently, The Truth Project Bible study, provided me fresh revelation regarding labor in general- seeing the opportunity to work and be creative as a gift and joy rather than a burden or curse... and of course keeping the perspective, doing all things as unto the Lord.

My primary place of work happens to be my home, my family. In my short two years of motherhood, I've been learning the balance of home/away from home activities, and ultimately have realized the rewards of building a fun, healthy, joyful, and productive homestead.

Homesteading at the Hurst Castle... keeping an effective and organized home, making the most of our outdoor space, promoting peace by being present and proactive in homemaking, creating a place where learning and fun take place daily, and being resourceful in general.

Keeping things manageable is really important for me to be successful... if I can't/won't manage it, I will fail, be discouraged, waste money/resources, and be less likely to try again in the future.

So, no huge garden for us this summer season. Lots of potted herbs, some lettuce, spinach, okra, and peppers. And Grace Louise is learning and helping... with a happy heart! Very manageable for both of us!

No animals were harmed in the making of this post, at least not by me... however, these chickens exist only in our memory now... thanks, Mr. Raccoon.

Our second attempt to produce healthy home-grown eggs was a bust. These chickens were special... my breed of choice, Barred Rocks, and I paid a whopping $40 for three hens and drove to Lakeland to get them. Jimmy lovingly helped me create a more free range-friendly pen. You're getting an idea of the investment, here... very discouraging to have these ladies taken from us so soon, but hopefully we'll recover and try again (after varmint-proofing our chicken tractor).

Grace Louise was proud of her new pets. I caught her outside watching them while having a snack! She really took ownership this time, always helping me care for chickens, filling up the water bucket, carrying out the scraps, and spreading the scratch grain. This was sort of our biggest homesteading adventure and challenge... we will try again!

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