Saturday, September 14, 2013

13 Months

 I'm sure I won't keep up with Jamesy's monthly birthdays now that he's the big 01. But I actually just got around to writing his birthday letter this week. Some words from my heart and a few special pics of my boy who is 13 months today...

Can I count the ways you melt my heart and make me smile? Your big toothy grin is simply the best. Your dimples will go down in history! The coy way you still tuck your head and the clicking you do with your tongue. You are so proud of this trick! Your laugh is contagious and you love clapping hands and silly songs, especially “this little piggy”.  I love the way you “jump” while sitting cross legged on the bed; when you lay your forehead on the floor, frustrated and not getting your way; when you lay your head on my shoulder and even in the pitch dark, find my face, and give me a kiss before bed. Your cute little crawl is fast and determined and your favorite word is "this". You bring so much joy to us, our sweet, special son. You are precious, one of a kind. I know that you are God's handiwork and His plans for you are good.

 Already mixing and pouring like his big Sis.
He loves the mornings we spend outside and never fails to get sandy and wet. 

 Because opening the door is just too easy. I love his determination. With or without clothes.

So big and already drinking smoothies. 

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