Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy 6 Months

Valentine's Day was about love in the Hurst house for more than just the usual reason. Our baby boy turned 6 months old!  Half way to a year? Unbelievable! 

I really can't think of descriptives for this little guy that I haven't already splattered all over this blog... happy, smiley, loving, loud, dimply, and oh so sweet.

I believe we have a crawler in our near future! He is sitting up very well and rocking on all fours. He already manages to get ALL over the place, but I'm not exactly sure how. (Is he crawling when my head is turned or just rolling over and scooting?!) No words or teeth yet, but lots going on with that mouth! Always a chatterbox, always chewing or drooling, and even giving kisses! Open mouth ones, of course.

He has only been to the pediatrician once for his newborn check-up so I honestly have no clue how much he weighs. Maybe 16-20lbs? 

He rocks to sleep, still nurses every 3-4 hours, and wakes twice in the night. (Boo for me). We introduced food this week (more on that tomorrow), so I'm hoping for some longer stretches of sleep soon! 

This is why I write to you, why I take your picture as much as I can, why I try to stay in the present soaking up each special moment and breathing the whole experience in! I want you to know that I’ve loved you to the fullest each step of the way! 

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