Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cling to what is good!

One thing that undoubtedly changes when you become a parent is your personal time. “Alone time” with God, specifically, has changed and is much harder to come by… mostly because, well, I’m never alone! Realizing that God is so much greater than the box I like to keep Him in, I prayed that He would begin to reveal Himself to me in the small, seemingly mundane, day to day events. I prayed that my eyes would be open to see and my heart open to learn in unconventional ways. My first lesson came Saturday morning… Cling to what is good.

When my hungry little munchkin woke up, it didn’t take her long to ring the breakfast bell! She squirmed around restlessly in her bed and as soon as I picked her up- mouth open, hands flying, she went to reaching for the dairy! Much to her dismay, a diaper change was in order! After taking care of business, I nestled her in the bed, arranged myself, realized I was all twisted up in my nightgown, rearranged, and by that time, she was screaming her head off (mouth still wide open, hands still flying). As I came close enough for her to nurse, she grabbed ahold of my breast with both hands and wasn’t letting go! Clinging doesn’t even begin to describe the grip!

Romans 12:9- Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

I find it most interesting that this passage does not say “Do what is good”, but instead uses a really committed word, like cling. God doesn’t want us just to do good, but to cleave or unite to those things that are good. The passage goes on to give examples of what is “good”- brotherly love, fervor in serving the Lord, hospitality, rejoicing in hope, etc.

Our small group is super excited about our new focus for 2010- doing good for others. Our first step was a service project for the community. Below are pics of us working hard to clean up a transitional housing project for the Lake Wales Care Center.

1 comment:

mama to many said...

GIRL! That is GOOD!! I'm clinging to that! Thanks for pouring your hearing out here. I just finished posting on the MOCHA blog about time alone. I love you, sister! Thanks for the encouragement!