Friday, February 26, 2010

The BEST daily grind

"Extra" time doesn't exist, so I've learned. "Making" time is what I'm doing. I love to blog, especially about my adorable youngin' so I must, must, must be better about this! I have just closed out two of my four online classes and couldn't be happier! I will NEVER do that again...and please hold me to it! I feel like I have spent every spare moment that I haven't been feeding or taking of Grace Louise on the blasted computer grading papers. Did I already say that I will NEVER do that again?!?! Now it is tax season and working on the business taxes... always something. Can I just veg for a little bit?

I went to MOPS yesterday, had coffee with my bestest this morning, and a wonderful visit with my brother this afternoon. Making time is good. I'm trying to get up every morning before Grace Louise to steal away a few moments of quiet time. I'm more than 50%... not too shabby ;-) I'll try not to mention this struggle with feeling overwhelmed every time I blog, but seriously, is this new balancing act not a major life adjustment for parents??? A million people warned me, "your life will change". There is no doubt about that! Somebody should have slapped me- what did I do with all my time before she was born?

The daily grind, though, is made much sweeter with this extra love in our family! I've had these pics edited on the computer for a couple of weeks now, so I'm eager to get them out. Enjoy.

How sweet is this? Triston made GL a Valentine's Day card.
And here she is reading it while her V-Day monkey is singing "Buttercup".

This book teaches her how to count to five in English, Spanish, and French.
She's more interested in how it tastes. Teething.

Morning kisses for mommy!

Good morning, Sunshine!

This was the first pic of the morning. Couldn't quite get those eyes open yet!
This crazy thing behind her in all the morning pics is a rice sock Jimmy made me when I was pregnant (for heat/cold therapy). It comes in handy. I use it to mimic my hand on her while she is sleeping and also as a barricade to keep her from rolling off various pieces of furniture :-)

Holding on to the silver fox.

Hanging out with mom on the office desk.

1 comment:

Katy said...

She's getting so big! GL is no longer a lil' baby! Great to see new pictures and that you're making time for blogging!