Feeling much more sane than the last time I posted. A few days ago I woke Jimmy up at 4 in the morning to ask him if he paid the water bill. Crazy!
I took Grace Louise back to the doctor on Monday morning. She has been having diarrhea on and off for weeks now. The doctor thinks that she is sensitive to dairy proteins that are coming through my
breastmilk. We are awaiting test results. She has never had a fever and seems to feel fine in regards to that issue. It will be nice to get it resolved, though, and to have much fewer
poopy diapers to change!!! Between that and the gobs and gobs of drool this little woman produces, you might not think she smells like a sweet little baby right now... unless you're her mom (or Daddy,
BeBe, Pops, or
Mmmmm- we love her to pieces!
13 weeks old now and I've accepted "3 months". Are they 3 months when they are 12 weeks or do you add three months to the date she was born? (If that's the case, then February 1st was her 3 month
BDay!) I prefer to count in weeks; it doesn't sound so old! I must get pictures taken soon!
I really need to read up on the milestones that babies typically reach in each month so I know what to expect. I was so excited when
GL rolled over (about two weeks ago) and then started to wonder if she should have done that before now. She's not too fond of tummy time, although she is starting to tolerate it more and more now that she can hold herself up a bit higher on her forearms. She loves to stand up, sit up, lay on her back and kick... heck, she loves it all! "Ninny" is probably going to be her first word- or momma. We'll see. She loves to eat ninny and opens up wide for kisses! Car rides are improving now that she grabs her toys and eats them... keeps herself entertained. She is "talking" so much right now- sounds like a raspy little monster half the time and an angel the rest. It is so neat to hear her voice. I wonder if she will have a squeaky little voice like me. As my wonderful husband informed me, I sound like a "nasally hillbilly". Great.
And, of course, my favorite time with her is still morning. She gets in the bed with us after her 1st feeding of the day (around 6-7am) and goes right back to sleep. She's clearly showing affection more with her hands- grabbing my face and snuggling close to mommy on the pillow. It just doesn't get any better than that!
Oh yes, did I mention she is about 13 1/2 pounds, almost 25 inches long?!?! Big girl.

Cousin love.

Ready for church!

"Hey, I've got an idea!"

This was the first day she grabbed her
taggie book and put it straight in her mouth.
My camera was close by!

"I have feet!"

"Look at all I can do!"

This is her serious face. She loves her little bear in her bouncer. Last night she almost bounced right out of there! Daddy had to strap her in.

Her last bath in the sink-tub. Too big!
Plus, now she likes to splash!
Hangin' out with Uncle Chris and trying to figure out what in the world that creature is!

Rolling over for the first time (well, maybe second).

Finally made it to the
Bumbo seat.
Yes, my child is watching TV... and she likes it.
She's trying to tell Daddy which channel she likes best ;-)

"Oh my goodness! A talking cow!"

Starting to recognize the dogs- and reaching for them.

Her new aquarium from Aggie.

A new
Moby position- facing out and
lovin' it!

3 months old!
Every little girl wants a pony, right?! Lala bought her this talking, sleeping, snoring horsey and she loves it!