Monday, December 21, 2009

Grace Louweezy

Another great week here in the Hurst home. Grace Louise is growing like a weed! We went for my 6 week check up at the Birthing Center and weighed our munchkin- a whopping 12 lbs (half way to doubling her birth weight)! Need I say nursing is still going well?!?! Still dropping the one middle of the night feeding, but otherwise eating every 3 hours. Now if I would go to bed earlier to take advantage of that long stretch of sleep... She seems to be happy with the eat-play-sleep routine and it makes life easier for me too! I think (hope) that the worst of the gassy days are over; we haven't had a REAL gas fit in a couple of weeks. She is undoubtedly getting better at passing it- even in public! (hmmm, hmmm excuse you little lady).

My healing is taking a bit longer than usual. Through so many twists and turns in this whole experience, God is teaching me to sllloooowwwwwww down. And I'm learning. As fun as it is to be out and about, I am perfectly content staying home and having my own little love-fest with this precious angel girl. These days go by so fast and I'm determined to stay in the "now", enjoying every moment with her.

Last Thursday night, Jimmy and I went on our first dinner and a movie post-baby date... Grace Louise was the best (and cutest) third wheel ever! We went to the movies to see Old Dogs and were the only ones in the theatre. The best night of all for her to interrupt the picture show and she never even made a peep! She slept most of the time. Oh yeah, the movie was great!

Today was my first day back at yoga. And my first time leaving Grace Louise with someone other than her daddy. Lala was an awesome baby-sitter, following my directions, precisely! ;-) wink wink. She took a bottle of pumped breastmilk while I was gone and was a happy, sleeping baby when I got home. Triston was at the house with mom and, as always, was an eager helper! He loves this baby like you wouldn't believe! Precious! Now, if I can just teach him to change her diaper...

Yoga was wonderful! I didn't realize how much I missed it and will definitely be getting back into my regular practice. Yoga throughout pregnancy was special because I really felt like it helped me connect with my baby. I knew that deep breathing and relaxation was great for both me and my growing bambino, plus it was part of "training" for the marathon of childbirth. Today, my yoga practice was all about me and appreciating/experiencing my own body and its abilities. I forgot what it was like to bend and stretch without a big belly in the way! Okay, enough of this hippy talk... go have a cup of hot herbal tea and enjoy these pictures!

I fed the little milk munchkin and let her hang out in her crib for some awake time. Does this look like awake to you??? I think not!

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