Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Reflections

Since I didn't submit a post for Easter (camera batteries were dead), I at least wanted to use my Thankful Thursday to reflect on my gratitude for having a Resurrection Sunday to celebrate! I really tried to meditate on the truth of Christ's resurrection last week and focus on the implications of Christ truly being alive and reigning King. I was sharing with Jimmy that my all-time favorite worship songs (even before and after the easter season) are those that exalt Jesus as King, Lord, know, those vertical songs that allow you to connect with the majesty of God and declare the Kingship of our savior. Perhaps the reason that I am so drawn to those songs and feel such passion when singing them, is because my spirit connects with the truth of the words and what they mean for me. Jesus' resurrection means power over sin and death and victory for me. How can you not get excited out of your skin when singing about the risen Jesus conquering the grave!!! I am thankful to serve the Greatest God!

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