Tuesday, May 14, 2013

9 months just sweet

Oh, so much has been happening here! God is shaping and changing our family through fierce trial. So much to write, but I think I’ll quietly step back into this life-sharing medium with a little normalcy... our growing boy. (Plus, if I tried to catch up in one post, you would not want to read it all. I promise.) Nine months old today, and all his sister can think about is cake! 

Last month I proudly announced Jamesy’s accomplishments, including crawling and three teeth. Now would you believe me if I told you he has since added four more?! (Actually, I thought he had 8 teeth for about a week and then realized that I must have counted one twice!) Nevertheless, he’s working on a mouthful and is using them well! Looks as if they will be large and beautiful just like his sister’s! 

Jamesy is crawling quicker than ever; I’m waiting for him to decide this mode of transportation is just not quick enough. He’s pulling up to standing every chance he gets and considers cruising. I see walking before a year. We’ll see.

This little boy blesses my heart so much! Most anyone can tell you what a lover he is, snuggling in and laying his head on a warm shoulder. His emerging personality strikes me as fun, coy, and gentle. 

says dada the most. looks for sissy. expects Thomas the Train in the car dvd player. loud talker. big talker. splasher. (even in the dog water). loves to play with the cash register in sissy’s kitchen. understands 'no no'. jumps and bounces especially when we sing. waves and says bye bye. already sneaking Millie food under the table. smh.

 definitely inherited the scrunchy nose smile.


Joy said...

I just want to eat him up. I hope there's another date with him and you in my future :)

The Hursts said...

I hope so too, Joy! :-)