I love Easter! And I'm loving this celebration even more now that I'm a mom. I do enjoy the traditions of coloring and hunting eggs, spending time with family, and preparing a special basket for my little one. What I love the most, though, is that this holiday, similarly to Christmas, gets people thinking of Jesus. And whether folks realize it or not, one of the greatest joys of our faith, the joy of discovering our Savior and His love for us, is apparent in the most universally celebrated Easter activity- finding eggs!
Do you see it? Unbridled joy in finding the egg and discovering its contents! Finding our Savior, or rather being found in Him, chosen by Him, conjures unmatchable joy. Not just on the day of salvation... There is eternal potential to discover and be overjoyed by every facet of our God!
discovering Him through His creation... JOY! revelation from the very Word of God, perfectly relevant for your life... JOY! learning the deepness of His love for you, specifically you... JOY! seeing more of your identity in Him and His reflection in you... JOY!
Never ending, eternal, daily discovery of the One who gave us life by giving His own life. If only we will seek. Wow. Now that should put an Easter egg in it's place.
Filling her basket with reminders of who we are celebrating. I usually add an Easter book or two to our collection, a Jesus-centered craft, and little things that remind us of new life. This year it was play-doh. What can I say. The old had passed away.

I did a few of the same crafts and activities as last year, adding more dramatic play, as this is what Grace Louise just loves right now. Learning about the Passover and Last Supper, we decided to follow the example of the Servant King and wash each other's feet. She loved this and wanted to wash my feet all week.
There you have it. Calvary and the three crosses, the upper room, city gates, and the Garden of Gethsemane. I do believe that's a disciple sleeping when he was supposed to be praying...