Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Veteran's Day Craft

My morning facebook check on Veteran's Day left me with inspiration to do something patriotic, fun, and crafty with Grace Louise.

This child, by the way, LOVES crafts! I all to often find her digging in the guest room dresser where I keep my craft supplies. "I wanna mate a tard, mommy! Mommy wanna mate a tard too?" I hear that a lot. So, yes, we make many cards in this house. We also finger paint, color, sculpt (play-doh), cut, glue... usually just random things, but I'm thinking I will start incorporating more themes in our activities.

Veteran's Day was a great place to start. We made a flag. I must say, I was swelling with American pride as I told Grace Louise about the flag and we began cutting and gluing the pieces. We practiced drawing stars, and when we were all done, said the Pledge of Allegiance. Okay, well, I said the Pledge, but she listened enthusiastically. I will teach it to her soon!

There is something about having kids that reawakens us to celebrating holidays, even the smaller ones. We want to see the traditions of our country continued through our children. And we in return remember and become more mindful. More thankful. I am certainly thankful for those who have served and are currently serving our great country!

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