Bringing everyone up to speed on the Hurst living arrangements... over the summer, we made our first move since coming back down to Polk County six years ago. We are renting one of the most unique homes in Lake Wales, commonly known as The Castle. Since only royalty lives in castles, we had to hike up the social caste to become king, queen, and princess. Not such a bad life, I tell ya!
I've run into many people who are curious about what this house looks like on the inside, so I've decided to offer an exclusive inside look ;-) The owners recently did some remodeling/updates and we painted (by we I mean me, Jimmy, and many awesome friends and family), totally transforming this formally dark, dated space.
The virtual tour is missing a few neat rooms- the office, upstairs kitchen (we've never used it, but its there just in case!), laundry room, woodworking shop, and the round storage room. Gotta leave some reason for you to come visit us in person! (truth: they were not clean enough to photograph or I just forgot them!)

Front yard view. The garage, wood shop, and pole barn are to the left. We have neighbors to the right and state park to the left. We're in the back of a community, but love the secluded feel offered by these towering oaks. This yard would drive most people nuts. It's huge and completely random! I personally love symmetry in my life, and in landscaping. There's something about the eclectic-ness of this yard, though, that makes it
Secret Garden-like... estate-ish, whimsical. Fig, hickory, lowquat trees. Even bamboo! A few dainty palms. Tropical elephant ears and fern. Oh yes, and the gaudy patch of palm-thingys on the sides of the driveway reaching to the skies yelling "Look at me! I'm the ugliest bunch of tree you'll ever see!" I cut those out of the picture. (And hope to cut them down eventually).

The foyer, also known as the dungeon for those who misbehave. Kidding. It's just a little foyer that happens to make a big statement.

View from the front door. Its a very open space, always very bright and airy thanks to the sets of sliding glass doors facing the lake. All of this used to be dark wood paneling... yuck! This pic also includes our amazing 10ft dining table Jimmy's parents helped us buy from Craigslist... yay for a great deal! We wanted this home to be a place where many could gather, eat, and fellowship together. It is just that!
To the left of this area is the kitchen... I somehow missed a picture of that too. Newly remodeled, which was SO in order... a red padded 70's style bar and black and red tile flooring is simply not acceptable in this decade. We are enjoying the new non-70's style bar and appliances. It even has a great place for Grace Louise to sit and help. My little sous chef!

Master bedroom and bath. Loving the robin's egg blue. Trying to bring the tranquility of the water indoors. Its working.
Notice the stone wall. Every bedroom has one. Like it or not.

This is the living room where we do most of our... well, living. It's open to the kitchen and dining area and offers exceptional views of the lake! Still searching for a perfect (and affordable) club chair(s) and ottoman for the corner. My future reading spot by the window.

Guest bedroom. Complete with your own private bath, in-room vanity, balcony access, and sleep number bed. Personal kitchen available upon request. Please, come stay. :-)

Grace Louise's bedroom. The hardest room to bid farewell at the old house. I am so happy with how her new room turned out, though. Plenty of room for teaching and learning, playing, and sleeping. She even has her own bath and vanity!
The Princess Quarters.

View from the back porch. The beautiful lake and typical summertime Florida sky, thunderclouds brewing. We spend a lot of time out here, fishing and playing... looking forward to spending even more as the weather cools.

The balcony doesn't get used much now, but two chase lounge chairs with comfy cushions are on my Celebration Yard Sale list. I hope to rest, read, stargaze at night with my hubby, in the big balcony space to the left.
Hunters, take note! This is how its done. The turkeys come to you. Open the kitchen window in the morning, and between sips of coffee... BANG! Thanksgiving dinner.
Oh, come on. We're sportsmen. We wouldn't do that.
We do throw feed out for the animals- turkey, squirrels, birds, fish, even some owls. You'd think Dr. Doolittle lives here... We love watching the animals and Grace Louise delights in her chore of feeding them everyday. "Come on, mama. Feed da animals. Come on, daddy. Feed da fish." Wish you could hear her say that. Just presh.
Well, there you have it. The Castle and all its glory. We are enjoying living here. It's such a neat place and though we don't intend on staying here forever, we look forward to the next few years of filling this big house with lots of love, laughs, and adventures!