Friday, August 12, 2011

This is the day!

The last 15 minutes of my day... too good not to share...

Changed a poopy cloth diaper, changed another explosive poopy cloth diaper (didn't wait long enough apparently), stuck my poopy baby in the sink after running out of wipes downstairs, turned around to see the dog licking out the diaper on the floor, refrained from vomiting... sprayed out the remainder of the diaper, went to wash a load of cloth diapers to find my last load of whites from five days ago still in the wash (oops, must have forgot), *frustrated sigh... spilled the container of laundry soap on the floor... clean up clean up everybody everywhere... restarted the whites, came back to the living room to find GL typing on my new laptop saying "I doing it! I doing it!" with a really adorable grin on her face. I must laugh or I will cry...

Now looking at the bright side of things... today was mostly great! Grace Louise loves friends, loves to play with other kids, and was in absolute heaven today with three other children to run around with. One of my childhood friends, Brittany, came over with her mom and two sweet little boys, and mom brought Grace Louise’s friend, Jordan, to the castle for a playdate. We painted, play-doed, fished, swam, tortured lizards, made music, and had a yummy lunch before crashing for a two hour nap!

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! -Psalm 118:24

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