Sunday, August 29, 2010

9 (or 10) Month Pictures

Dreading a drive over to the Brandon Mall Picture People (who really do take simple and lovely pictures), I decided to just stay at home and take Grace Louise's 9 month pictures myself. (I'm a month late, so technically they are 10 month pictures :-) Traditions are powerful... feeling that I must have this child's pictures taken four times (at least) in the first year can be a burden both on the wallet and the schedule. So backyard here we come!

I also told myself that I would like to wait until Grace Louise was standing more comfortably on her own before our next professional photo shoot. (Perhaps you know what is coming next). I take Grace Louise in the backyard... we try a white sheet first.

Doesn't work out.

I'm hooping and hollering, jumping up and down, making funny faces (and noises)... all in the name of a good picture. I stand Grace Louise up with one hand. Try to take pictures with the other.

Doesn't work out.

I think she could sense the desperation in my voice (and the perspiration on my face) as I asked her "Just stand right here for mommy, like a big girl!!! Okay??"

And hot diggity dog, she did. Bless her little soul.

I got several shots of my baby girl squatting and standing over and over for the first time! How often do you catch those kind of firsts on camera!? Thank you, Jesus (in a truly grateful kind of way). That made my day... and made our homemade photo shoot really special in the end.

The pictures didn't turn out half bad. I was feeling quite proud of them, like maybe I missed my calling. That is until Jimmy so honestly told me that they looked like really good amateur photos. Huh. Thanks.

The best ones (of her standing and squatting) will have to make a later debut. I have to get the neon green archery target digitally removed out of the background. (a slight oversight on my part. oops)

this one makes me laugh. like she's too good for the grass.

she's teething that top left tooth like crazy.

By the way, her 9 month check-up (again, at 10 months) was great. 20 lbs 7 oz and 29 inches long. Still high on the charts, but weighed 3+ lbs less than what we had her pegged for.


Joy said...

These are great pics! Tell Jimmy he's loco ;)

Missy Whidden said...

Emily, these are great pictures! You did a good job...I still haven't taken Paige to a photo studio yet! GL is so adorable and growing so fast :)

Missy Whidden said...

I agree...with the right camera, you can take pics that do look professional (or somewhat...haha!) I still don't have the editing know-how to make them really pop. I have a Canon Rebel EOS. I've had it since May 07 and I love it! There are so many tricks about it, though, that I still haven't learned. It's fun to experiment, though!

Matt and Christen said...

LOVE your pictures. You did a great job on your photo shoot. She is beautiful.