I've been too busy chasing this little monkey around and trying to keep a decent house... blogging was put on the back burner for a couple of weeks. Actually, I've been having computer issues (
SOOOO ready for the Mac world). I've been working off of two computers set up next to each other. When one messes up or runs too slow, I switch to the other. Sad, I know. I also drenched my camera last weekend on a kayaking trip, so its been hard to take pictures with no camera. I think I'm depressed about that. Not really. Well, maybe just a little. I will be remedying that situation as soon as possible. No one wants to read my blog without pictures of THE ONE.
The most exciting thing in the past couple of weeks was Grace Louise's first trip to the zoo to celebrate her 8 month birthday!!! Truthfully, it wasn't to celebrate her monthly birthday (that was an after-thought); it was actually a trip for my nephew,
Triston. He earned this trip to Lowery Park Zoo for learning his 2-3 multiplication facts! Smart boy! We just tagged along for the fun! I wish I had pics to share, but again... no camera. I did use my camcorder/camera, but haven't figured out how to upload them to my (slow) computer(s).
The most not-so-exciting thing going on in the past couple of weeks has been ear infection #2. Boy, has this been a long, drawn-out recovery! We're pretty sure that on top of the ear infection,
GL also had
roseola. The rash is gone today and we've continued the antibiotics in hope of clearing the ear infection up once and for all. Lord, please save her from having her mama's ears. Amen. And no more
roseola, please.
I do have a few pictures to share from before my camera went for a swim. You might be able to tell... Grace Louise is getting taller and more slim. She only weighs 19.? pounds. At the rate she was growing right out of the chute, I thought she would be much heavier by now. Must be all that crawling around. Before too long, she will be walking. She loves to "cruise" the furniture and will walk all over the place if you hold her hands.

First rib bone. So many members of my family were proud.

She was proud too.

She walks up and down the couch... getting into whatever she can.