Now that we know that Baby H is more likely to stand for Hazel than Hansel, and I've posted adorable in-utero snapshots of our baby girl, I keep trying to think of ways to one-up myself with a better post. I figured a video clip in her amniotic swimming pool should do the trick. Watch closely at the beginning and you can see that she is covering her face with her hands...then she pulls them away and you can see alien like features. That's her beautiful face!
Today, I am 20 weeks and 2 days. Technically over half way there! (But probably mom was late with all of us, so things aren't looking good for punctuality). We are now measuring baby girl from head to toe (vs. head to rump) and she measures a staggering 10+ inches. (Did we mention she might have Uncle Marsh's legs?) Apparently, one of her favorite past times is practicing swallowing, which is kind of gross considering that she pee pees in the amniotic fluid. When we went in for the sonogram a couple weeks ago, we actually saw her opening her mouth and cool! She has been flipping around and kicking like crazy- most active in the evenings (typical bedtime rebellion). I've been trying to get her to perform for Jimmy, but up until two nights ago, the timing was off. Finally, I caught her really close to the surface (trying to come up for air?) and just a kickin! Jimmy felt her kick over 5 times! It was so fun- and makes me laugh hysterically!
Still no name- or at least not that we are sharing. I've noticed that is one of the questions most people love to ask. Along with, "how much weight have you gained?" Arghhh!!! (That is my mean pregnant lady growl).
I'm actually really enjoying being pregnant. I'm sure that some women who never have fertility issues completely enjoy and appreciate their pregancy and growing fetus, but from my own experience, I have to say that I am relishing in every moment more than I ever would have without the trials. I'm thankful for each moment, and, now that I'm out of puke purgatory, I feel better, stronger, and healthier than I ever have. Pregnancy is good to me :-) at least so far!