This Christmas season has so far, been very fun and meaningful for our family. Continuing traditions that we started in the previous two years and creating some new ones. Each year is proving to be more exciting as Grace Louise gets older and can be involved more in the Christmas festivities.
christmas parade.

This child is crazy about a sucker! Her all time favorite treat, reserved for parades and trips to the bank :-)

One of the local churches had a band on their float playing worship music. I told Grace Louise they were praising the Lord. So, here she is praising the Lord too. Precious.

This kid next to her was eating an airhead. She was so intrigued, bending over and invading his personal space. He never seemed to notice her.
tree trimming.
Standing proud next to our first handmade ornament as we started decorating the tree for Christmas. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, we've chosen to trim our tree with ornaments that remind us of Jesus. Lots of manger scenes, angels, doves and word ornaments like Joy, Hope, and Peace.

Totally taking a break from tree decorating to get some knee sugar!
downtown christmas party.

Mom and I took Grace Louise to the Frostproof Christmas party at the Methodist Church. ...listening to the story of Jesus' birth.

First time in a bounce house! I think we're hooked!

She was fearless... mostly being bounced.
This was as close as she would get to the ponies, despite the fact that she was most excited about this attraction. Before leaving she decided she would make a 2nd attempt to ride. She even let them put the helmet on. But no riding...