Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Baby Can Read (but my SD Card Reader can't!)

I was beginning to think that I would have to endure seven plagues of technology failure before I'd ever get back to this blog! (I think I was on #4). Nevertheless, my FIL came to the rescue and now I have a card reader that actually works! As for the first part of the blog post title... yes, what can I say, my daughter is a genius! Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard of the Your Baby Can Read program or seen the infomercial with the three year old reading the Declaration of Independence (or Brown Bear Brown Bear, whatever). And you've probably been pretty skeptical about whether or not it truly works... (I was).

The learning program is pretty basic, teaching babies to memorize sight words, which will ultimately help them learn phonics. Okay, sounds good to me. I'm in. I've been showing the short video to her once a day for a couple of months (though I do miss some days here and there). I also show her the flashcards and books that come with the program.

First, and most importantly, she enjoys it, clapping along, waving, and interacting with the children on the video. Secondly, it works!!! She responds to the word/picture combination for many of the words (mouth, clap, wave, hi, tongue, eyes, nose, dog) and for the first time last week, she actually "read" her first words. I showed her the flashcard with the words Arms Up and she put her arms up in the air!

Though I'm sure Grace Louise will be a great reader, regardless, I'm giving the Your Baby Can Read program two thumbs up for starting kids off early with a love for reading and learning.

Catching up from my technology woes, here are some random pics of the past few weeks.

Learning how to walk with her new push toy!

And already standing on her own! As you can tell, she still doesn't have her sea legs, but is getting more and more confident every time!

This is why crayons are non-toxic!

Right now this is Grace Louise's favorite place to hang out- on the sliding glass door. She walks in and out holding on to the door and gains great satisfaction from conquering the ever so daunting obstacle that is the threshold.

"Sister Golden Hair"... not sure if that is her Indian name or her nun name. Sounds like it could be her hippy name too. You'll have to ask her LaLa.

Grace Louise and two of her Papas! See where she gets those good looks?!
Even though you can't tell by her expression in this picture, riding in Granny DuBose's wheelchair is another one of Grace Louise's favorite things to do. (Maybe she's mad because Lizzi is taking up all the room!)

Pops has a hot date at Norby's!

Yes. Yes. That is my child in the dog kennel. We've got to find her some better role models!

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