What am I thankful for? Hmmm...let's see.
- Getting to sleep beside my husband every night. (Had to start with that one).
- Good friends.
- Living in Florida and getting to enjoy the sun on my skin so often. (I felt it today for the first time in a while!)
- Dogs that love me and offer unconditional companionship.
- Saturdays to do whatever makes me happy (which lately has included all kinds of silly things like belly dancing cardio- Yeah!)
- Learning...always learning. "Aha" moments.
That felt good. To give thanks. So much is praiseworthy. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil. 4:8
AMEN sister!! soooo much is praiseworthy--we have to remind ourselves of that OFTEN! love you!!!
Yeah! Love Thankful Thursday (or Friday, or anyday!) it's always good to be thankful no matter if the day of the week starts with a t or not... ;)
I totally know what you mean about not being able to sleep without jimmy there! i'm the same way!
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